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LAA Artist of the month

at the Palmetto Gallery

Procedures & Rules


There are two Artists of the Month each month - one displaying on the wall and the other in the LAA case.

Eligibility to become an AOM:

  • You must be an LAA member in good standing.

  • You are encouraged to volunteer for an LAA event within the year.

  • You cannot be the AOM for the wall & the case in the same calendar year.



  • You must email your interest to the AOM Chair for board approval.

  • Click here to see current AOM Chair.


Artwork Requirements:

  • All artwork is to be fitted with a fixed wire hanger.

  • Giclees or other reproductions of your artwork are acceptable, but must be labeled as such.

  • The LAA and TLC reserve the right to deny any artwork they deem inappropriate, controversial or offensive.



  • You and your work will be showcased in the LAA newsletter, the TWATL and the Landings Journal.

  • A reception for both AOM's is held on the first Thursday (after the first Wednesday) of the month from 5 PM to 6:30 PM at the Palmetto Gallery hall.



  • You are responsible for hanging your own artwork on the first Tuesday of the assigned month and taking it down on the first Tuesday of the following month.

  • No personal advertising is allowed other than the LAA labels for your artwork.

  • You will provide the AOM Chair an artist bio to accompany your work.

  • The AOM chair will provide labels for your art. The label will include title, medium, price, and contact information. If you prefer to provide your own labels, they are to conform to a standard size 2 x 3.5, printed in a consistent type face, which must include "Landings Art Association" at the top of the card.

  • Artwork, when sold, may be replaced with a similar sized piece but you are responsible for a new label if needed.


©2025  Landings Art Association. 

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