Skidaway Island

Savannah, Georgia
General Membership Meetings
UPDATE! General membership meetings will be held on the third Tuesday of October, January March and May, unless otherwise stated in the monthly newsletter, at the Congressional Church on Skidaway Island, Diamond Causeway, Skidaway Island, Savannah, GA 31411.
Meetings begin with a meet and greet at 4:00 pm, followed by an art related guest speaker /demonstrator until approximately 5:30 pm. To get more information about the scheduled speaker for the month, check our monthly newsletter or follow us on Facebook. Guests are welcome.
Gallery Receptions
The LAA/Soundview Gallery at the Palmetto Club hosts a monthly reception that is open to the community from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM on the first Thursday after the first Wednesday of each month. *In the event that the first Wednesday or Thursday of the month falls on a holiday, please check our monthly Newsletter for rescheduled dates.
Meet & Greet
Meet & Greet Events are held periodically throughout the year so new members can learn about the Landings Art Association and meet current members. Information on these events will be published in the monthly newsletter.
Group Excursions
Excursions to various places in Savannah and the outlying area will be presented to our membership at various times throughout the year. All excursions will be on a first-register, first served basis and will be announced in our monthly newsletter.