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The LAA’s 36th Annual Spring Art Show and Silent Auction

Tuesday, April 15th, 2025, 5:00 – 8:00 pm

The Palmetto Club Ballroom in the Landings, Skidaway Island, GA


Please read carefully as some procedures have changed from previous years!


You must fill out the digital registration form using the link at the bottom of this page. 

In this registration, you will record your check number and date mailed or tubed. Once we receive your check you will receive a confirmation from us. At this time, you must also submit a properly labeled digital (JPG) of your works of art. There is a link on the registration process that you may upload your image(s).



Open to all artists who are current members in good standing of the LAA.



Monday, April 15th, 2:00 – 4:00 PM. In person delivery only, Palmetto Ballroom at The Landings.

Guest pass for the Main Gate will be issued for both Monday intake and Tuesday show if needed.



(Not Before) March 1, 2024 – (Not After) March 22nd, 5 PM.



$30 for one entry, $40 for two entries. ALL entries must be for sale. Each artist will receive (2) gratis entry tickets regardless of the number of entries. Additional entry tickets are $5 cash each at the door.


1. All works must be originally drawn, painted, and sculpted by the artist and executed within the last two years. The work may not have been shown in any previous LAA Spring Art shows or any LAA Exhibit including the Palmetto gallery or the online Facebook challenge. Compositions based on  photographs must use photos taken by the artist or have permission from the photographer to use his/her original work as reference.  All works produced while attending workshops, live, online, or YouTube, are not eligible, nor are photos taken on instructional photography trips.


2. Art will be accepted in the following categories:

2-D Art Categories: Oil, Watercolor, Acrylic, Mixed Media, Photography/Digital Art, Dry Art (Pencil, Pastel, Alcohol Ink, Pen, Crayon), and Textiles.

NOTE: 2-D work must not exceed 36” wide including frame; weight limit: 20 pounds and under.

3-D Art Categories: Jewelry, Sculpture/Wood Turning/Wood Carving, Textiles



2-d Artwork must be suitably wired and ready to hang. Sawtooth hangers are not allowed. All fused on-metal photography must possess the pre-approved hanger (i.e. ¾” inset frame with wire hanger); wrap around/gallery wrapped canvasses must be professionally stapled or splined with sides painted. All works on paper must be framed, matted, or floated, and protected by glass or plexiglass.

All frames, glass, plexiglass, hangers, etc. must be in excellent condition.


Note: During intake, the show committee/ LAA board will assess all artwork and reserve the right to ask for adjustments or refuse a piece altogether. Unusual hanging devices other than wires must be pre-approved. If you’re unsure if your piece is acceptable, please contact Registration Chair Pam Orient,



1. Entry to this exhibit constitutes artist’s agreement to all conditionals set forth herein.

2. Accepted artists are obligated to deliver their work by show deadline.

3. Artwork that differs from the submitted CD of JPG will be disqualified.

4. Artwork that has been displayed at a prior LAA event or is more than 2 years old will be disqualified.

4. The LAA Board, and Show Chairs have the final authority in accepting an entry.

5. There will be no changes in your entry after submission.

6. Attach a tag to back of each work including artist’s name, title of work, category of work,

    dimensions, price, and artist’s phone number.

7. Artists may enter up to 2 pieces of artwork (all for sale with appropriate fee.)

8. All works must remain for the duration of the Show.

9. Work remaining unclaimed for more than 30 days will become property of LAA.


Overnight on Monday, the Ballroom and Club will be locked. Jewelry exhibits will be stored in the locked banquet office. Every reasonable care will be exercised in the handling the artwork submitted. The Landings Club and The Landings Art Association and its Officers WILL NOT be held accountable or liable for damaged, missing, or unclaimed art. Insurance is at the responsibility and discretion of the individual artist.



Artwork MUST BE picked up directly after the show at 8:00 PM.


2D AND Judge: James M

Photography Judge: Julia Frances Vericella

3D Judge: Brian Morgenlander

The Judges will view digital entries prior to the event.

  • Final judging and awards will be complete on the day of the show.

  • Ribbons will be awarded in each category for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.

  • No artist will receive more than one award even if entered in different categories.

  • Any category with less than 6 entries will have a 1st place award only.

  • If you are collaborating with another artist on 1 piece, only 1 award will be issued.

  • LAA reserves the right to combine categories with too few entries.




  • Monday, April 15th: Deliver artwork to Palmetto Ballroom between 2-4 PM.

  • Tuesday, April 16th: Reception and Awards 5-8 PM

  • NO ONE (even LAA Members) will be allowed to view the show before the opening.

  • All works MUST remain for the duration of the Show.

  • All works MUST be picked up at close of reception promptly at 8 PM on May 2nd.



Registration for the optional Silent Auction is in addition to main show registration and may only be entered after main show registration and check has been submitted. Two pieces may be entered.

Contact Penny Thompson at or see entry form on the LAA website.


To access the 2024 Spring Show Registration, please click here.  Registration will begin on March 1st.


©2025  Landings Art Association. 

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